Sunday, April 25, 2010

My Sissy

Our beloved English Setter, Sissy.   Had to say goodbye to her this week.  Painting followed to help ease the pain of missing her.  She was 15 years old, a long life for a bird dog.  She will live on in our hearts forever.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Don't Feed the Bears!

Was just going to shoot the Trillium flowering at the Chimney's the other day and was given this little photo op as well.  Someone left the lid open to the dumpster and this is what happened.  This poor guy already has two ear tags "proving" he is a problem bear.  Three strikes and he is out.  Not fair I say.  Nice nails though, wonder who does them?  Wish I could grow mine that long.  BTW, don't let the cropping of this image fool you.  I was also in my jeep with the windows UP (and hastily driving by) - a drive-by shooting you might say.  I would later learn that Park Officials had to relocate this bear due to the fact that he now had been "fed" by humans and could potentially pose a danger to visitors by frequenting this camping area.  PLEASE REMEMBER TO CLOSE THE LID!